9:00AM-9:30AM: Warm up (dynamic & hands)
9:30AM-10:30AM: Skills & Drills (individual)
10:30AM-10:45AM: Break & Snacks
10:45AM-2:00PM: Team skills (passing, 2 on 2s etc)
12:00PM-1:00PM: Lunch
1:00PM-2:00PM: Sport of the day
2:00PM-2:45PM: Skill Stations
2:45PM-3:00PM: Break & Snack
3:00PM-3:45PM: Mini games
3:45PM-4:00PM: Clean up/ Pack up
• REQUIRED EQUIPMENT includes a hockey helmet, stick and gloves. If you have soccer shin pads you can send those as well but they aren’t required.
• We recommend sending a hat and sunscreen with all campers as we may spend some time outside.
• Send lunch, snacks and drinks (water bottle) for your camper.
• Please respect our “Nut-Free” snack policy.
• Pizza is provided on Friday for lunch.
• Late pickup (5:00pm) is available for an additional $20/day. If needed, please let staff know in the morning and bring cash.